
Finish Your Degree at a 传递友好 College Accepting Max Credits

Well-known for being a transfer-friendly college with more than 90 percent of students 转移学分 从其他学校拿到学位, we’ll work with you to maximize all your possible transfer credits so you can finish your degree faster, 太.


 More than 90% of undergraduate students transfer credit to Franklin.


We’ll work with you to make sure you maximize all possible transfer credits


Take fewer classes when you transfer credits toward your degree.


在学士学位上节省时间和金钱, 硕士, or doctoral degree with Franklin’s generous transfer credit policy.


Evaluate your transfer credits with our free estimator. 不到10分钟, you can get an unofficial assessment of the time and money you could save by transferring previously earned credits to Franklin.

  • Calculate how many previously earned credits you may be able to transfer.
  • See how much money you could save on your degree by using transfer credits.
  • Find out which degree programs accept more of your transfer credits.
  • 估计一下你能多快毕业.



Maximize the credits you’ve already earned at community college with our 3+1 program -- and save up to half on your bachelor’s degree. 被称为3+1衔接协议, you may be eligible to transfer your first three years of classes or associate degree from one of our partner community colleges. Finish your bachelor’s degree at Franklin with no repeat classes, 不需要重新学习,也没有不必要的花费.


Capitalize on your military training and finish your degree faster

We honor your service and want to offer college credit for your military training. Eligible transfer credit includes Armed Services military experience and courses verified with a JST transcript. We also have a dedicated service member 招生 team ready to help with the educational needs of active-duty service members and their spouses and dependents, 还有预备役军人和退伍军人.



Get college credit now for what you’ve already done – including professional coursework and certifications. Franklin offers college credit for more than just previous college coursework; your prior work and professional experience matter.


Get transfer credit for coursework taken through the American Institute of Banking (AIB), 人寿办公室管理协会, 和更多的.

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Get college credit for professional certifications awarded by Microsoft, 思科, 前年, Finra和更多.

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测试 & 投资组合的信用

Given our reputation as a transfer-friendly college, we know that learning doesn’t always take place in the classroom, so we offer college credit for what you know as demonstrated through proficiency exams and experience-based portfolios.


Earn college credit with proficiency examinations, such as CLEP, DSST, Excelsior, and others. We use the American Council on 教育 (ACE) minimum standards in determining college-level comparability for these exams.


Get awarded academic credit through FUPE (mg不朽情缘游戏网址 水平考试). mg不朽情缘游戏网址faculty-created, course-specific FUPEs let you demonstrate classroom-equivalent learning based on your experience, 训练或独立阅读. Our academic advisors are available to help you determine which coursework might be a FUPE alternative to the classroom.


Demonstrate your knowledge in one or more courses, and get college credit for it at Franklin. 创建一个之前的学习档案, explaining what you know relative to course outcomes and how you learned it. Then submit it for assessment by a faculty evaluator.

